If kept on the right diet and in a clean environment serval are often very healthy animals but It'simportant to be prepared in case your serval falls ill. The best thing is to take your serval to an exotic pet veterinarian if for any reason you suspect that your serval is sick. Since your pet Serval can't tell you what is bothering him you have to be the one on the look out for signs of illness. You should have a vet already picked out because not all vets treat exotic animals. Hence search for one and call them to let them know that you will be using them if you encounter any problems. Regularly take your serval for visits to the vet as this is a good idea to try in order for the vet and serval to get acquainted. Pay close attention to your serval and look for any signs of illness, such as vomiting, loss of appetite for more than a day, drastic mood changes, straining while urinating diarrhea, and lathargy.


 You should be, particularly wary of diarrhea (watery stools) especially in young servals, as this can dehydrate them in a few hours and they may in turn need fluids intravenously. Have a vet check them out if you see diarrhea more than two days in a row. However, diarrhea can sometimes result from a change in diet which normally goes away within 24 hours. Servals have a habit of swallowing foreign objects which can become stuck in their throats or intestines from time to time. If this occurs, they will need veterinarian assistance to remove them. While they learn how to jump and land you should make sure your serval kittens are safe and can not hurt themselves. Offering them chicken necks and chicken legs daily  will keep them from chewing on everything. There fore helping them continue to have good teeth and reduce the cravings to chew on other things.

During the summer fleas are a big problem and it is always an ordeal when trying to apply flea spray. I have gotten a hold of the process; using revolution because it can be easily applied with a few drops between their shoulder blades in addition it contains worming medicine. Servals like all most pets do not appreciate being sprayed and will often run and hide. Getting some of his/her favorite foods and placing them close to you will help to get your serval to stay still while you apply the medication as you will be able to reach your serval. Try using chicken hearts by placing them between your legs while sitting and when they start eating, begin to stroke them while appling the revolution ampule. It is will be through  before they realize what is happening.